Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
djb stuff on newer ubuntu
Since maybe 9.04 (for sure on 10.4), djb stuff (daemontools, ptyget, ...) does not compile out of the box. The only change needed is to replace, in errno.h,
extern int errno;
#include <errno.h>
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
blogger publish preview broken?
Sometimes, preview doesn't show newlines correctly, like paragraphs are concatenated.
EDIT: html tags are not escaped in compose mode?
EDIT: as of July 2010, previews are supposed to be accurate (blogger update).
tag doesn't work either.
EDIT: html tags are not escaped in compose mode?
EDIT: as of July 2010, previews are supposed to be accurate (blogger update).
dbus and X forwarding
Under Ubuntu 10.4
It seems some files under ~/.dbus are set to owner root, which causes problems when starting an X application over SSH.
chowning -R ~/.dbus to user seems to fix the problem.
Under Windows 7
PuTTY often crashes when forwarding an X application. Could this be related?
It seems some files under ~/.dbus are set to owner root, which causes problems when starting an X application over SSH.
chowning -R ~/.dbus to user seems to fix the problem.
Under Windows 7
PuTTY often crashes when forwarding an X application. Could this be related?
Monday, June 14, 2010
set autoindent number
set ts=2
set hlsearch
syntax on
colorscheme darkblue
On Linux, file is ~/.vimrc
On Windows, you put a file named _vimrc in the root of user directory (ex: C:\Users\username).
Also, add something like
behave mswin
set guifont=Lucida_Console:h12:w6.5
set nobackup nowritebackup noswapfile
Note: ^[ represents the ESC character (see prompt line).
source ~/.cshrc-alias
umask 077
set path = ($HOME/lib/bin /sbin /bin /usr/sbin /usr/bin /usr/games)
set path = ($path /usr/local/bin /usr/X11R6/bin /usr/local/sbin)
setenv EDITOR vim
setenv PAGER less
setenv TEXINPUTS .:$HOME/lib/tex::
setenv LESSHISTFILE "/dev/null/"
#set ignoreeof
set prompt="%{^[[01;36m%}`hostname`%{^[[0m%}[%{^[[93m%}%~%{^[[0m%}]%# "
set nobeep
unset savehist
if ($?prompt) then
set filec
if ( $?tcsh ) then
bindkey "^W" backward-delete-word
bindkey -k up history-search-backward
bindkey -k down history-search-forward
alias e 'vim' #edit
alias ge 'gvim' #gui edit
alias ew 'e `which \!:1`'
alias fw 'file `which \!:1`'
alias fwl 'readlink `which \!:1` | xargs file'
alias gp 'gp --quiet'
alias h 'history 25'
alias j 'jobs -l'
alias ls 'env LANG=C ls -F'
alias l 'ls -lh'
alias mc 'env LANG=C sudo minicom'
alias mkcd 'mkdir \!:1 && cd \!:1'
alias Nmap 'sudo nmap -v -sS -P0 \!:1'
alias sc 'screen'
alias so 'unalias *; source ~/.cshrc'
alias rmtexout 'rm *.aux *.dvi *.log'
alias now 'date +%s'
alias w3mn 'w3m -no-mouse'
alias irb 'irb1.8 --readline -r irb/completion --prompt simple'
alias ri 'ri -Tf ansi'
alias APT 'sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade'
alias en 'e `date +%s`' #edit now
alias mkmv 'mkdir \!:1 && mv \!:2* \!:1'
Sunday, June 13, 2010
ca fait 2 fois que je me fais fourrer avec vlc
- ma livecam n'a pas d'image quand je tente d'ouvrir un peripherique
de capture a son nom;
- le desktop recording n'a pas l'air de fonctionner.
EDIT: un cossin trop automatique c'est juste donné le droit d'updater un driver. J'ai rebranché la cam et j'ai maintenant une image invert (AKA je suis bleu). Je ne suis cependant toujours pas capable de rediriger ça dans un file.
- ma livecam n'a pas d'image quand je tente d'ouvrir un peripherique
de capture a son nom;
- le desktop recording n'a pas l'air de fonctionner.
EDIT: un cossin trop automatique c'est juste donné le droit d'updater un driver. J'ai rebranché la cam et j'ai maintenant une image invert (AKA je suis bleu). Je ne suis cependant toujours pas capable de rediriger ça dans un file.
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